small business ventilation

26 Aug


Posted at 10:10h

Eligible businesses in Victoria can now access between $500 and $5,000 via the Small Business Ventilation Program for air ventilation and filtration equipment, work or professional services to improve ventilation and reduce COVID-19 transmission.

The Ventilation Rebate is a $500 rebate to take immediate actions such as purchasing an air purifier or hiring a qualified tradesperson to undertake minor services to improve ventilation.

The Ventilation Grant comprises of matched grants between $1,000 and $5,000 to invest in larger projects such as building works or engaging professional services or equipment to improve ventilation.

A business can apply for both and the submitted applications can request funds for the same ventilation project, however the funds must not be allocated to the same eligible expenditure item.

Types of air ventilation and how they can be improved:

  • Natural ventilation – brings air from outside through and around an indoor occupied space, or to make airflow improvements to a covered outdoor space used by customers
  • Mechanical ventilation – uses mechanical equipment to increase airflow by replacing or diluting indoor air with outside air
  • Augmented ventilation – uses portable filtration units to catch particles in a filter to increase the clean air delivery rate and reduce the concentration of viral particles in the air.

The funds may be used to assist with the cost of equipment and works that improve air ventilation and/or purification for the installation, upgrade, maintenance and repair of building infrastructure and ventilation systems; and or direct costs to deliver the ventilation project such as labour, regulatory approvals or cost of building modification directly related to and required to accommodate the ventilation strategy.

To be eligible the Business must;

  • operate from a Victorian fixed address commercial premises that is physically open to the public for in-person purchases or use of the business’s products and services
  • hold an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN on and from 18 February 2022
  • be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) on and from 18 February 2022
  • have an annual Victorian payroll below $10 million for the 2020-21 financial year on an ungrouped basis as determined by the State Revenue Office (SRO)
  • hold public liability insurance sufficient to cover its operations.

Rebates will be allocated on a first-in basis to applicants assessed as eligible until the program’s available funding is fully allocated.

Business owners must use their judgement and make decisions that are appropriate for their business to improve ventilation and air quality. This may involve seeking professional advice before committing to a purchase.

Apply online by Thursday 8 September 2022.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Curve if you need any further information or assistance.

Small Business Ventilation Guide.


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