The Coronavirus has presented a fast evolving and significant challenge to global health systems and economies. The Government has acted decisively...
Sole Trader Support Fund
The Victorian Government’s Sole Trader Support Fund helps eligible non-employing businesses in sectors that continue to be affected by coronavirus...
COVID-19 Land Tax Relief
Various relief measures and initiatives have been introduced by the Government over the last 6 months in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of...
Jobkeeper 2.1
The Government’s JobKeeper Payment will help keep more Australians in jobs and support businesses affected by the significant economic impact of the...
Business Support Fund – Round 3
On September 13 the Victorian Government announced the Business Resilience Package - $3billion in cash grants, tax relief and cash flow support that...
Jobkeeper Business Participants
Following its release of step-by-step instructions for business owners looking to apply for JobKeeper Payment, the Tax Office has now published...
The Shortcut Method – Working from Home
Working from home? You’re now eligible for a new 80 cents per hour tax shortcut. The ATO has announced new rules which will make it easier for...
JobKeeper Payment – What Comes Next And What You Need To Do
With the JobKeeper Payment legislation being passed through Parliament last Thursday the ATO has now provided more details on how the process will...
Making your JobKeeper Payments Through Xero Payroll
With the JobKeeper Payment being approved by Parliament last Thursday and the first fortnightly pay period already finished as of the 12 April, if...
Providing Support For Retirees
We want to make sure you are aware of the changes in the minimum pension rules recently introduced because of COVID19. Providing support for...